August Messages
When Jesus is Lifted Up
Sunday, August 25, 2013 |  Pastor Tony Nowak

Tony explores the idea of lifting Jesus up. Put Jesus first. When all is said and done, Jesus is the only One that matters. When Jesus is lifted up everything else is now made well.

Listen: When Jesus is Lifted Up
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Staying Above the Crowd
Sunday, August 18, 2013 |  Pastor Tony Nowak

Tony explains how the crowd focuses on personal attention, anything for a laugh, anything to draw attention to self. The Holy Spirit works to draw attention to Christ. He does that primarily through you. You can become who Christ wants you to be when you let him overcome what He does not want you to be. .

Listen: Staying Above the Crowd
Staying Above the Crowd
Truth You Can Count On
Sunday, August 11, 2013 |  Pastor Tony Nowak

Tony explores the idea of lifting Jesus up. Put Jesus first. When all is said and done, Jesus is the only One that matters. When Jesus is lifted up everything else is now made well.

Listen: Truth You Can Count On
Truth You Can Count On.mp3
Grace to Really Live
Sunday, August 4, 2013 |  Pastor Tony Nowak

Grace not only saves but Grace gives us power to really live. You are saved by Grace, but you have to live by Grace. The first and foremost purpose of Grace is salvation. The second main thrust of Grace is to live a purposeful life

Listen: Grace to Really Live