Love is the basis of relationship with God. God’s love is manifested in Jesus. Love is obedience, faith, patience, forgiveness; love is building others up, encouraging, helping, showing compassion.
You cannot be a real committed follower of Jesus as long as you keep holding on to your old self and your old life.
We lived in our own little world where we called the shots, where we feel secure and in control, independent and self-centered. Then Jesus came into our life and everything changed. Jesus expected you to be a disciple with love, commitment, gentleness, manners, a new person with a new life and a new environment.
We are here to do what we have to do which means what God tells us to do: courageously honor God, courageously love people, courageously trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word because Jesus Christ courageously gives Himself for us in honor, love and trust to us.